Gratuity calculator to
calculate the collectable amount for an employee when he/she works more than a
minimum period of five years at an organization. Gratuity calculation in india
is based on his/her average salary, dearness allowance and working years.
Used :
Gratuity Calculation In India = [ (Basic Pay
+ D.A) x 15 days x No. of years of service ] / 26
D.A = Dearness Allowance.
Gratuity Eligibility :-
D.A = Dearness Allowance.
Gratuity Eligibility :-
1. Any person employed on wages/salary.
2. At the time of retirement or resignation or on superannuation, an employee should
2. At the time of retirement or resignation or on superannuation, an employee should
have rendered continuous service of
not less than five years.
3. Payable without completion of five years only when death and disablement.
This gratuity calculator is applicable only for indian employee.
3. Payable without completion of five years only when death and disablement.
This gratuity calculator is applicable only for indian employee.